Kevin's Woodturnings

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Most of the woodturnings found in this website are constructed using segmented design. Segmented woodturnings are constructed from many pieces of wood glued together in interesting patterns. The outside patterns usually go completely through the woodturning. The wood is all naturally colored except for a couple noted examples. I use mostly highly figured domestic wood, like maple and ash burls, and combine with exotic wood, like bloodwood and ziricote. To view examples of my work, use the above Menu or click on the following links to visit my Bowls, Vases, Lidded Containers, or Miscellaneous pages.

Newest woodturnings! Click on a photo to view its gallery page.

Fellow woodturners might be interested in some of the other pages on my website (click the links or use the above Menu): No Math Method and a PC Method are instruction pages about designing segmented bowls. Basic Frame Miter and Compound Miter are instruction pages showing the photo sequence of construction steps for making two types of segmented bowls. Frame Miter Sled and  Compound Miter Sled are plans for constructing accurate ring-segment cutting sleds for a table saw. Tools and Jigs shows several interesting home-made tools I use in my studio. Links page has links to websites of other segmented woodturners as well as tool and information websites that I recommend. 

My name is Kevin Neelley and I live in Lenexa, Kansas. I am a member of the Kansas City Woodturners Association, which is a local chapter of the American Association of Woodturners. I am also a member of the Segmented Woodturners internet group. I have made nearly seven hundred woodturned bowls, vases, platters and other objects in my thirty years as a woodturner. Thank you for visiting my website. If you have any comments or are interested in purchasing my work, please visit E-Mail & Comments.

This page was last updated on 2/10/2025.

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Copyright 2025 by Kevin's Woodturnings
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